Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Technology Article


A new planet was photographed yesterday, orbiting a star about 300 light-years from Earth. Scientists say this may be the least massive planet observed outside the solar system. A photo was released by a European Southern Observatory (ESO) on Monday June 3, the picture was of a gas giant (HD 95086 b) circling its young star (HD 95086). HD 95086 b was sighted by ESO's large telescope in Chile. Scientists predict that it's only about four or five more times massive than Jupiter. They could predict this by using the planets brightness. Another photo from the same place (ESO) shows that the star and its planet are in context with other stars in the southern constellation of Carina, the keel. HD 95086 b orbits its star about twice the distance from the sun to Neptune. The star that this planet is orbiting is a relatively young star, only about 10- 17 million years old. They predict that the planet either; grew by assembling rocks that formed the solid core, and then slowly accumulated gas from the environment to form the heavy atmosphere, or started from a gaseous clump that arose from gravitational instabilities in the disc. 

(HD 95086 b is the light blue dot in the lower left, the image in the middle was a picture of its star, however the star was removed from the picture so the planet could shine through.) 

Monday, May 20, 2013

Technology Article 
The Russians put mice, gerbils, snails, some plants, and more into a space craft and sent them up to Mars. The craft recently came back and Rossiya state television said that not all the animals came back alive, they gave no further detail. This mission had been praised by the media in Russia, mainly because no other country had ever pulled something like this off. A field research lab was deployed near where the capsule landed to quickly test the animals' responses the their journey. The small menagerie had dozens of individual cages that would be flown to Moscow for more tests. They used animals because they are subject to kinds of experiments that are not possible to conduct on humans who are currently operating the Internal Space Station (ISS). The experiment maily states how microgravity impacts the skeletal and nervous system as well as organisms' muscles and hearts. The animals were stored in 5 special containers that automatically opened after researching orbit and closed once it was time to return. Also on board were over 2 dozen measuring devices and other scientific objects. Russia has had its sights on Mars for a long time, and they predict that 2030 could be the year they begin creating a base on the moon for flights to the Red Planet. However pasts problems in Russia's space program have threatened their future exploration efforts, such as the failure of a research satellite that Moscow tried sending up to one of Mars' moons last year. 

Russia brings mice and newts back from Mars research mission

Friday, April 26, 2013

Architecture and Construction 
Architecture and construction workers work on buildings and other structures. You might be the person who plans the structure designs or you could be the person that takes the designs and makes them. Architecture and construction workers make things like, highways, houses, buildings, bridges, etc. Some architectures do skilled trade like carpentry, painting or plumbing. Some careers in this cluster are architects, cabinetmakers, carpenters, glaziers, loggers, and many more. You should like building things and repairing things if you want a job under this cluster. 

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Technology Article

Technology Article
                The skeleton of an old woman named Australopithecus Sediba was discovered and said to have some weird traits. Scientists called it a weird combination between human characteristics and chimp characteristics, with long arms and primitive shoulders like an ape, however she also had legs that could extend, dexterous hands, and opposable thumbs like a human. Her characteristics were compared to a old women named Lucy who lived 3.2 million years ago and was discovered in 1974. Au. Sediba had an upper body like an ape and a lower body like a human. Her bones in her legs twisted inward as she strode because her feet were pointed in. She died by falling into a sink hole. 

Fossils show 'weird' chimp-human traits

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Project Wrap-Up

Some things I liked about Google Docs were, the fact that you could share the document with someone else and work on it at the same time as you are. I also liked how it automatically saves the documents for you and how you can be on it from any computer that has your Google Account logged in. The thing I didn't like about Google Docs was that it doesn't have as many commands or buttons on it as Microsoft products do. They have all the basic ones but not the more complex ones. Yes, I really liked being able to work on the same document as my partner. It was very easy to communicate and have discussion about the things we liked and didn't like on our project. The cool thing is we could work on it at home too and still be able to communicate if we were working at the same time. I think Google could improve their Google Docs by adding more things to it. More commands, more fonts, anything. The more things they have the more power they have. Overall I think my project turned out really well. At first I was a bit confused but once i got into the swing of things I understood everything that was going on. Google Docs really helped me in this project also because it allowed me to work with my partner very easily, and the fact that it automatically saved really helped too.